Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Congratulations, Dr. Dad!

On February 16, Bill’s dad returned from another of his overseas journeys. He is the director of Way of Truth Ministries and frequently travels to encourage missionaries and promote worldwide evangelism. He has made such trips since the mid-80s. This latest journey took him to India where he encourage several native pastors with whom he has labored over the past 7 years or so.

In spite of being delayed for several days due to weather, they arrived at a Bible college graduation at which Dad was to preach. He barely had time to don his gown and join the procession. As the diplomas were being handed out, Dad was asked to come to the platform once again. The host pastor and Bible college director then presented him with an honorary doctorate in consideration of all his labors to promote the work of the Gospel there and around the world.

Congratulations, Dad! You have and continue to labor for the cause of the Gospel in spite of many obstacles. May God grant you many more years and much more energy to do the work He has called you to do.

Support Progress

The Lord has continued to move us along toward our goal of returning to Puerto Rico. At present we lack $450 of monthly support. We are eager to see these funds come is as God prompts people’s hearts. Most of our increases are due to our supporters extending their commitment to our ministry. We have been in many churches that do not support us yet, and we are hopeful to hear from some of these as we draw our travels to a close.

We are currently in Florida. Our meetings with supporters have been very encouraging. We will soon visit some new contacts as well. Our hope and prayer is to return to the island by June of this year. Pray with us that this will be granted for God’s glory.

A Great Book on Job

I have been reading Beyond Suffering by Dr. Layton Talbert. This book is a study on the book of Job. The author makes the point that so many of us know only the beginning and end of the book and rarely do anything with the bulk of the book other than mining it for pithy sayings and proof texts. He explores these conversations between Job and his friends to help us understand the true message of Job. Below is are a few quotes from this book to whet your appetite for reading a truly enlightening study.

“Here is the core of comfort in the message of Job: beyond suffering, past our pain and loss, is a God Who is not only all-knowing and omnipotent, sovereign and free to do as He chooses but also always good and just, loving and wise, purposeful and perfect in all that He chooses to do or to allow—and intimately aware of all its effects on us” (Preface, xi).

“Robert Bell notes perceptively, ‘Satan would have us believe that God is not fair, yet we seldom consider the cruelty of the devil. I have never met anyone bitter about what Satan has done to him, but I have met many who were bitter toward God’” (p. 39).

“At the root of God’s dealings with fallen people is His intention to display dimensions of His character to a spiritual world that we never see and rarely consider” (p. 42).

“Job suffered to prove, among other things, that there are people who serve God “for nothing” other than for Who He is, people who worship God “without cause” (1:9) even when they suffer “without cause” (2:3)” (p. 45).

The book is full of helpful insights into our own lives and to the character of God that help to give meaning to experiences that seem to contradict what the Word so clearly teaches us about God. This book is available through Bob Jones University Press or on

Summer Projects

This summer we are planning an ambitious list of projects in Ponce. With only two months to pack in all the necessary labor, advance planning is a must. However, long distance planning can complicate those plans. Due to our furlough, of course, we are not in Ponce, but we do have good folks there who help in organizing the details.

First, we will install terrazzo tile in the upstairs classrooms. This project has been delayed for at least 13 years due to other pressing matters. The rough texture of the floors makes cleaning a very difficult chore. After the tiling is done, maintenance will be much easier.

The second project is covering the area where the school students eat their lunch. This will also give us additional space for activities and protection from the weather. Torrential rains make lunch a less than pleasant experience in this expose area.

Final details of both projects should be in hand shortly. Funding will come from the school as well as the church. We are always glad to see our projects handled with our own funds. It is a faith-building experience. In July we also have a work team coming to help us ensure that the projects will be done so that classes may begin in early August. Keep these plans and projects in your prayers.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Heading South

On February 7, we headed even further south to Panama City, Florida. We are hosted by our good friends at Grace Baptist Church. They have always been very gracious hosts. We look forward to being with them for a few weeks as we visit several churches in that area.

Pray for the Pastor’s wife. Mrs. Curtis had hip replacement surgery yesterday and will need special prayer during the recovery stage. Pray that the Lord would prevent infection and allow her to regain mobility. She has suffered excruciating pain for some time and is trusting that the surgery will allow her to resume her former activities soon.

You may also pray for our health. Nathan and Matthew have colds which could easily spread to the rest of us. It’s so much easier to travel and visit with folks when you actually feel good.

Pray also for Steven to find a job soon. He has a few good contacts which may result in jobs and will be attending a job fair shortly. He hopes to make some good contacts there if not before. It is a bit frustrating to want to work and not find the right openings in the market place. We know that the Lord can do amazing things, so pray to that end. Most of all, we want him to have the job that the Lord has in mind for him.