Monday, August 17, 2009

On to the Reward

A long-time member of our congregation has graduated to Glory. Julia was 86 years old and had dealt with uncontrolled diabetes for many years. Her conversion 20+ years ago produced a profound change in her life. She was a joyful believer with a ready smile. For many years she rarely missed a service. In the last two years of her life she was rarely able to get to church due to her many ailments, including the amputation of one leg. On Friday morning she fell and broke her hip on her good leg. Over the next 48 hours or so, she suffered multiple heart attacks as well as respiratory and kidney failure. The end came mercifully at 12:15 AM today. We will have a service to celebrate her life and undying faith on Tuesday evening.

Summer has disappeared in a swirl of projects and activities. We hosted a mission team from Ohio, held VBS, installed flooring and a new stairway, painted, patched, repaired, etc. We are very grateful for the Lord’s gracious provision for these projects but especially for the 6 or so children who trusted Christ during VBS. Praise the Lord!

In July our family slipped away for a week of much-needed vacation. To help us relax we took a 5 hour hike to the top of the El Yunque Rainforest. It rained throughout the day, but we really enjoyed the wonderful sights and the chance to be together in a no-pressure situation. The balance of our week allowed us to take in a variety of other natural sights around the island.

On Tuesday, August 11 our school year began. We have 54 students at present which is a drop of nearly a dozen from last year. We are trusting the Lord for wisdom to use our resources wisely and trying to make this our best year ever. Several secret activities are being planned to add enthusiasm, and we are praying and working diligently toward a better spiritual year. We will appreciate your prayer support.

Pray also for some recent decisions made by folks in our church. It is encouraging to see people take action against spiritual lethargy and sin. The Word of God is an all-powerful antidote to the many diseases of a sin-sick soul. We long to see that Word transform lives and rejoice with every fresh evidence of its miraculous power.