The proposed code eliminates the word "marriage" so as to allow for every form of moral deviation that has yet been thought of, including: unmarried live-in relationships, homosexual unions, transexual partners, and the joining of former in-laws. Additionally, the code would lower the age for consensual relations to 16, allow for sex change on demand, the reassignment of gender on the individual's birth certificate, and a Pandora's Box of the moral reprobate's wish list. Needless to say this would be a serious blow to the many decent people of PR.
Alarming is the fact that each of these newly approved unions would be considered eligible for adoption of children! Who will defend these innocent ones from the moral depredations of their "parents"?
We took 48 students and adults to the steps of our Capitol building to register our protest. We also delivered nearly 200 signatures which we had collected from Ponce. The students made a variety of signs to communicate our displeasure and the Biblical perspective on these issues. Pray with us that the legislators will not be swayed by the sophistries of "Mr. Worldly Wiseman." His type are found in abundance at such proceedings and are the architects of this disastrous scheme.
The media is not helpful either. A news report that evening did not even mention the fact that many protesters had gathered. They merely lampooned those who testified against the bill and championed the idea as giving recognition to the fact that such "lifestyles" exist in PR. The question is not if they exist, but should they be legitimized.
Our children will surely pay the consequences if this Civil Code is passed. Even now the public school system is gearing up for a curriculum rewrite which would include non-judgmental references to each of these aberrant behaviors, sex education to enhance understanding of these state-approved lifestyles, and re-education of those who harbor negative feelings toward those who practice these abominations. In fact, our education system has publicized the curriculum change for the last four years! Certainly, "evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse."
God's opinion concerning homosexuality was clearly expressed in His own Civil Code in Leviticus 18:22 and in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19. Leviticus 18 also gives detailed prohibitions concerning in-law and other close family relations. In fact, He declared in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 that those who practice same-sex relations and immoral relations of any sort will not inherit the kingdom of God. Why then do such issues keep surfacing? Psalm 2:1-5 reveals that these are man's attempts to throw off the cords of God's authority and to overthrow the kingdom of His Son, Jesus Christ. However, God's reaction is a scoffing laughter followed by stern judgment.
Yet God's Word promises, "If my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked way, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14) Pray with us, fervently.
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