We held a service along the shore. 37 of us sang several choruses, all the candidates and a few others testified of their conversion and God's goodness in their lives, and then we began the baptismal service. Our youngest son, Jonathan, was first into the water, then his friend Josean, and adults Tony, Norma, Mandy, Felícita, Victor, and Jesús. Each one left the sea with a large smile.
Victor is a Korean War vet who came to the Lord several months ago. His wife prayed for his salvation for 30 years before receiving the desire of her heart. Jesús was formerly a 7th Day Adventist and then wandered the streets for several years. His life has been changed by the miraculous grace of God. He even sang a hymn to the glory of God on Sunday morning. Everyone in the congregation was moved by the song of testimony.
Our hearts are full of gratitude for all that God has done in these lives. Our furlough will be more difficult as we think of leaving these new converts and others who have not yet been baptized. Yet, we know that the work is the Lord's. He will not fail to nurture and cherish these newborn babes. Our hope is that they will continue to grow and that others may also be added in our absence.
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