Friday, August 31, 2007

In the Promised Land

Well, we have finally arrived. All of our travels have taken us back to home??? Pennsylvania has a certain nostalgia for Teresa and I since we spent so much of our lives here, began our deputation in this fair state, and still have relatives under nearly every rock and rill. So far we have reconnected with a fair number of these family members and are looking forward to seeing still more in a Labor Day weekend Weaver family reunion (Teresa's kin). We have also been able to visit my grandma P who suffered a stroke about a month ago. She recognized us all and enjoyed our family visit in the care center that is her new home. If not for this furlough, it might have been difficult for us to visit her.

Our rear window has been decorated with some special stickers to remind us of the places we have visited. Puerto Rico has a prominent display; the Wilds Christian Camp also has its niche. But our proudest sticker of all is a blue oval with red lettering that says, "Seltzer's". If you don't know the name, you're not from around here. Seltzer's is the first and last name of Lebanon Bologna (pronounced "baloney").

Lebanon Baloney is not that pale and sickly lunch meat that kids have complained about since packing a lunch became optional. I always placed my chips inside the sandwich to make it edible. L.B. is a smoked meat which can be, and often is, eaten right out of the pack. It has the aroma of hickory smoke and a flavor that prevents most people from counting calories (or sodium).

We now return to the part about a sticker already in progress. This sticker is not sold in stores, unless you are very creative. Teresa peeled the label from a 3 pound bag of baloney ends and placed it proudly beside our travel log on the rear window of our mini-van. It is the original and only addictive decal which features a scratch and sniff quality no other bumper sticker can rival.

Hershey Chocolate may yet have its rightful place of honor on that window. We are currently staying within scent range of the Hershey and Reese's plants! This is the only place in the world where you can gain 5 pounds by merely walking outside and taking a deep breath. We toured Chocolate World the other day. This is one of the few remaining freebees in Hershey. Hershey Park is now nearly $50 per person per day. That is one stop we will NOT be making. Just think of all the money we are saving! It almost makes me want to go on a spending binge to celebrate the savings! I guess I'll just send the money to Steven's college fund instead.

September begins the really busy portion of our furlough. From here until December 16 there are few breaks, and all but two weeks of that time will be spent in PA. Keep us in your prayers. Health, safety, provision of support, and the blessing of God on the work in Ponce are at the top of our prayer list.

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