Friday, October 17, 2008

Update on Julia

We have written a few times lately concerning the health condition of Julia. She is in her 80s and has known the Lord for about 20 years. She has been going through some trials over the past year or so. Shortly after we began our furlough, she fell and broke her left hip. Her surgery went well and she healed rather well. A short while ago a sore appeared between two of her toes and her foot began to discolor. A vein replacement surgery improved her condition markedly.

Yesterday, she saw her doctor again. He became very concerned about her toe and sent her to the hospital for additional tests. She was admitted and given the required tests which showed that she does not have adequate circulation below the knee. The doctor then informed Julia that she will need to have her left leg amputated somewhere above the knee.

We do not know when the surgery will occur, but Julia would certainly appreciate your prayers. She is in good spirits and is trusting in the Lord. However, this will be a trial beyond any she has so far faced.

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