Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Christmas Carolling

Perhaps you still participate in the time-worn tradition of carolling from house to house, but more likely you have not had the privilege for many years. Here in PR the tradition lives on. We begin in early December and continue on until about January 6 (Three Kings Day). The climate is more favorable here than it probably is where you live.
We try to arrive after everyone has gone to bed, but we do show mercy to some of our elderly members. Instead of hot chocolate, more usual refreshments are Doritos, crackers and cheese, and Coca Cola. The kids love to play some of our noise makers and to eat a bunch of junk food. I believe that the adults have somewhat higher motivations.
In addition to the songs which praise the Lord, we also take the time to have a devotional challenge related to the Christmas story and pray for the host family. Neighbors also get to hear the carolling and don't mind being awakened at all hours, at least no one has called the police or set their dogs on us.
Praise the Lord for our Savior's incarnation!

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