Monday, July 2, 2007

Pennsylvania Visit

On June 27 we left Anderson, SC for a meeting in NC. On Thursday morning we resumed travel with Pennsylvania as our goal. Our GPS module and Program did a fine job of navigating the streets and highways during both legs of the journey, keeping us on the best course. We arrived at Bill's folks home just after 4:00 PM. The entire trip passed without incident and we made better than 22 mpg! Praise the Lord!
One of our primary goals on this trip was to change our vehicle registration and plate since we will be here for one year and people keep looking at us funny [Hey, buddy, when did they finish the bridge to PR?]. We were happy to think that we helped some poor souls who had been stuck in their license plate game for several years as they looked desparately for the PR plate. Now they too can have a sense of fulfillment in life. It is such a blessing to know that we have done our small part to preserve the mental health of some of the little people along life's highway.?!
The marvelous state of PA only yanked $200 from our hands to effect this transaction. Somehow, the PA plate looks out of place on our vehicle. Jonathan asked us why we had to change the license plate. Even he feels the awkwardness of the change. I guess that means our hearts are still in PR.
Added benefits of the trip were seeing family we haven't seen much over the last 5 years. We also got to visit our home church and renew our friendships there. We hope to be able to return often so that the bonds grow stronger.
On July 4, we will visit extended family members a few hours away near Harrisburg. We have purchased the obligatory sparklers. Who knows what else will show up to make the evening hours bright? Certainly, the celebration will be exciting.
On July 7 we will head south once again for a meeting in NC and then on to SC for the balance of the month. Yes, we will keep busy, but furlough is supposed to be hectic, right? Actually, we look forward to all of the opportunities to share our ministry with new churches and supporters. The Lord is working to meet our support need. Keep us in your prayers, and drop us a line when convenient.

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