Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Creation Museum

Have you heard that the Answers in Genesis team has opened a creation-based museum in Petersburg, KY. It's true! When a family member offered to pay our admission cost, we loaded up and headed out to see what the buzz was about.
Our first impression was that the first-class exterior must indicate an awesome collection within. We were right! This is truly an amazing accomplishment! We now have a high-class and high-tech museum which declares the glory of our Creator God and debunks the evolution myth. Not once did we have to tell our children that the information before them was biased by an anti-God philosophy. Ken Ham and staff have done an excellent job of explaining the necessity of this museum and presenting the Biblical view point so often missing in our society.
The museum boasts an impressive collection of dinos, four or five mutimedia presentations, a wonderful planetarium show (be careful not to fall asleep in the oh so comfortable reclining seats), animatronic beasties, and a tremendous bookstore chocked full of affordable resources for home and evangelistic uses. Outside, you will find a beautiful garden with dinosaur models, archways and a pagoda or two. We spent 7 hours exploring the facility and plan to return later this year.
We heartily recommend this site to one and all. You can get all the details at answersingenesis.com.

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