Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Joy in Heaven

One of the greatest pleasures is leading a soul to Christ. It is even more thrilling when you know you have been used to reach someone who was nearly "unreachable" to those around him or her. Such was the case of Thelma.

She is a lady from central America who speaks very little English. In spite of this problem, she had begun to attend one of our supporting churches in central PA. Bill was able to visit her in the company of a church member and share the Gospel with her in Spanish. She was unsure how she could know for certain that God would accept her into His family due to a confusing background in churches that do not preach the Word.

As Bill shared the message of salvation, Thelma followed the teaching closely. When asked if she would like to receive God's offer of forgiveness and salvation, she responded with tears in her eyes that she did not know how to ask God for such a precious gift. Bill led her in the sinner's prayer, and she eagerly received new life. Her happy countenance and tear-filled eyes said thank you in a way that surpassed all language barriers.

Praise the Lord for each sinner who repents. Discipleship will be a challenge, but several church members are committed to do all within their power to assist the growth of this new convert. We are praying for other opportunities to witness to Thelma's family. Pray with us, please.

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