Saturday, October 25, 2008

Prayer for Intervention

Have you ever felt like the Devil is working overtime to cause mayhem? Perhaps it is beginning to dawn on him that his time is nearly at an end. There is so much evil around. Here in PR a law was passed in 2006 which seemed relatively innocent, but is proving to be a tool for evil. The original law concerned domestic violence and authorized the approval of curriculum to help avoid this increasing problem. Under the guise of implementing that directive, the Secretary of Education has written a letter to all public school officials informing them that a new curriculum will be in place in January 2009 which provides a "perspective on gender." This material will inform children that sex and gender are not synonymous terms. According to this curriculum, gender is a matter of personal choice and self-discovery. In other words, this curriculum will be an indoctrination platform for homosexual and transsexual perversity. This requirement is going to be applied to all schools, including private, Christian, Catholic, and home-schools. Freedom of religion and conscience are in serious jeopardy and there may be little we can do about it.

Pray with us. Our elections are held on November 4 also. We need to see a landslide of support for those who have professed strong family beliefs. Three of the four parties are solidly behind this perverse agenda, so the choice is clear. However, even believers tend to vote by tradition instead of by conscience. Please pray that God will intervene directly to remove this horrendous material from even the public schools. Similar things have been tried before and they have been defeated, but since the Secretary of Education is not an elected official, the democratic process has been entirely bypassed. Still we know that God can defeat such crafty maneuvering.

The other night I was called to intervene in a family situation. Though I cannot give out many details, suffice it to say that there are many problems that only the Lord can work out. Pray that this couple would submit to Scripture completely. I have stressed to them the fact that divorce solves nothing. They will carry the problems with them unless they deal with them Biblically. Pray also that I would have wisdom to see through lies and self-deception to help them face and resolve their faults.

At 8:00 AM on Saturday, Julia was allowed to check out of the hospital. She had her left leg amputated on Monday and has recovered nicely. Teresa, Bethany, and I visited her on Friday and sang some choruses with her. A nurse came into the room and opened the door so that others could hear the music. We were singing Psalms, so the Word went out to more people than we thought it would. Praise the Lord!

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